Aquila Strings Nylgut Tenor Ukulele String Set Low G Tuning w/Wound G

SKU:  ae00-3432
Manufacturer Part #:  15U
A fundamental aim of Aquila's research has been to make a new synthetic product having the same acoustic properties as gut, but without its typical defects - (high cost, limited duration and high instability under varying climates). The New Nylgut® has precisely these qualities allowing one to rediscover the sonorities familiar to the great 19th and 20th century Uke masters and guaranteeing a stability of tuning higher even than that of the best gut and nylon strings.

Manufacturer:   Aquila Strings  
Model:   15U  


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SKU:  ae00-3432^15U
Manufacturer Part #:  15U
Weight:  0.02
Price: $9.29
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Traverse City
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